- July 12, 2024
- Post by: Dev_globaltrade
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On April 10th, 2023, at 11:30 AM, GTS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (MDTCL) Selangor State HQ, conducted a series of raids on three suspected clandestine warehouses at the renowned GM Klang Wholesale Plaza. These warehouses were believed to be storing counterfeit luxury fashion products from major international brands. The operation involved ten MDTCL personnel and three GTS agents, including the participation of MDTCL Selangor Chief, Mohd Zuhairi Mat Radey.
Upon arrival, the team found all target premises locked with metal shutters, except one that was partially open. MDTCL officers entered this warehouse and found a Malaysian woman inside. The warehouse contained luxury fashion products packed in black plastic bags, protected by GTS. The woman claimed to be a staff member, stating the owner was overseas. Officers discovered a stack of keys on a table, which the woman admitted were for other storage facilities. She was ordered to open these premises, leading to the discovery of more counterfeit luxury fashion products.
More than 2,000 units of counterfeit goods were seized, and the woman was apprehended for further investigation. The investigation revealed that the owner operated two retail outlets at GM Klang Plaza, which did not offer counterfeit products for sale. Instead, the warehouses were used to store orders for online retailers in the Klang Valley, with collections typically occurring on weekends.
GTS commends the MDTCL Selangor team for their excellent work and remains committed to hunting down clandestine warehouses throughout 2023.
#BrandProtection #INTA #IACC #AntiCounterfeiting #Investigation #EuroCham #AMCHAM #EMEA #IntellectualProperty